Just So You Know A Little More About Me

Hello everyone. My name is Mary Desiree and I am the founder and operator of Hidden Trinkets by Mary. I am an empath and possibly someone who has ADHD (seeing as I create so many different projects and my mind can't shut off with many ideas) I started my small business during the beginning of the pandemic where I had dove into my spiritual side more than ever. During the harsh times we were going through, I had developed an enjoyment in the escape of creating products that would bring some light into the darkness in the world. That's when Hidden Trinkets by Mary started.

In 2020, I had watched a video of someone making homemade candles while I was browsing on Youtube at like 1am (as I am an insomniac). And then, I had placed an order on Amazon for a beginner's candle making kit. And once I received the package, and saw that I was capable of creating something so simple and so beautiful at the same time...that's when a light bulb clicked in my head.

I am going to start making my own homemade candles.

As the next few weeks passed, I ended up creating new candles that were inspired by my favorite book and film series - "Harry Potter". These Hogwarts Houses Candles were a HIT during the beginning of my small business on Etsy. I had also created SPELL CANDLES that had the intentions of self-love, protection, abundance ad much more. My ETSY shop had blew up for the next few months!I had sold over 200 orders within 3-4 months! It was all very exciting! However, I was working a full time and very stressful job at a car dealership as a biller and let's say that my regular 9-5 job created so much stress that I had to go on a hiatus with my small business.

That hiatus was a whole 3 years worth. And now, we are here. Back to square one.

As the years passed, I developed a great liking to building and learning about crystals. While I'm still constantly learning more, I have gotten to be well-versed in many. I am always on the lookout for such rare beauties and others that have such amazing energy once I'm near them. I am also an empath, so the powers and energies of crystals really resonate with me. And here we are. Restarting my small business as I am currently on maternity leave. This was another challenging time for me so for me to restart my business again and add on new items to my shop, i was a bit of an escape. 

And now you are here. I hope that by visiting my shop, you are able to feel good energy and to hopefully resonate with my energy as well although we may be miles and miles apart. I wish everyone who reads thru this long "about me" many, many blessings! Good things will come to you soon. I promise! Thank you so much for visiting my store and always enjoy!